Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2005
Generated 01-Jun-2005 02:05 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2005
Total Hits 12758
Total Files 8390
Total Pages 3915
Total Visits 1638
Total KBytes 130381
Total Unique Sites 956
Total Unique URLs 744
Total Unique Referrers 349
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 48
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 17 437
Hits per Day 411 1544
Files per Day 270 1267
Pages per Day 126 394
Visits per Day 52 118
KBytes per Day 4206 23082
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 8390
Code 206 - Partial Content 58
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 8
Code 302 - Found 209
Code 304 - Not Modified 1994
Code 400 - Bad Request 2
Code 401 - Unauthorized 121
Code 403 - Forbidden 34
Code 404 - Not Found 1942

Daily usage for May 2005

Daily Statistics for May 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 73 0.57% 49 0.58% 31 0.79% 22 1.34% 23 2.41% 674 0.52%
2 253 1.98% 112 1.33% 67 1.71% 37 2.26% 27 2.82% 1738 1.33%
3 1544 12.10% 1267 15.10% 394 10.06% 62 3.79% 55 5.75% 23082 17.70%
4 867 6.80% 619 7.38% 215 5.49% 42 2.56% 40 4.18% 10977 8.42%
5 165 1.29% 101 1.20% 55 1.40% 28 1.71% 27 2.82% 1429 1.10%
6 238 1.87% 96 1.14% 98 2.50% 89 5.43% 96 10.04% 1540 1.18%
7 235 1.84% 99 1.18% 116 2.96% 104 6.35% 86 9.00% 3558 2.73%
8 332 2.60% 246 2.93% 134 3.42% 36 2.20% 30 3.14% 4800 3.68%
9 555 4.35% 413 4.92% 149 3.81% 46 2.81% 35 3.66% 5593 4.29%
10 705 5.53% 500 5.96% 189 4.83% 54 3.30% 46 4.81% 8901 6.83%
11 288 2.26% 182 2.17% 102 2.61% 60 3.66% 49 5.13% 2963 2.27%
12 497 3.90% 357 4.26% 83 2.12% 33 2.01% 85 8.89% 6896 5.29%
13 471 3.69% 203 2.42% 120 3.07% 79 4.82% 92 9.62% 3831 2.94%
14 239 1.87% 87 1.04% 111 2.84% 70 4.27% 73 7.64% 1377 1.06%
15 276 2.16% 114 1.36% 105 2.68% 67 4.09% 70 7.32% 905 0.69%
16 389 3.05% 249 2.97% 214 5.47% 26 1.59% 28 2.93% 1908 1.46%
17 200 1.57% 94 1.12% 75 1.92% 27 1.65% 30 3.14% 1456 1.12%
18 324 2.54% 167 1.99% 80 2.04% 44 2.69% 42 4.39% 2281 1.75%
19 338 2.65% 215 2.56% 79 2.02% 42 2.56% 32 3.35% 2495 1.91%
20 289 2.27% 195 2.32% 128 3.27% 80 4.88% 52 5.44% 2614 2.00%
21 435 3.41% 153 1.82% 125 3.19% 90 5.49% 98 10.25% 2301 1.76%
22 299 2.34% 115 1.37% 134 3.42% 118 7.20% 111 11.61% 1079 0.83%
23 631 4.95% 408 4.86% 145 3.70% 71 4.33% 74 7.74% 6228 4.78%
24 742 5.82% 577 6.88% 155 3.96% 54 3.30% 55 5.75% 8179 6.27%
25 407 3.19% 292 3.48% 85 2.17% 28 1.71% 38 3.97% 4524 3.47%
26 392 3.07% 333 3.97% 150 3.83% 31 1.89% 46 4.81% 2860 2.19%
27 137 1.07% 100 1.19% 37 0.95% 23 1.40% 25 2.62% 1457 1.12%
28 199 1.56% 118 1.41% 118 3.01% 50 3.05% 58 6.07% 1166 0.89%
29 150 1.18% 85 1.01% 59 1.51% 25 1.53% 36 3.77% 736 0.56%
30 719 5.64% 538 6.41% 284 7.25% 78 4.76% 49 5.13% 7379 5.66%
31 369 2.89% 306 3.65% 78 1.99% 24 1.47% 32 3.35% 5455 4.18%

Hourly usage for May 2005

Hourly Statistics for May 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 11 355 2.78% 6 205 2.44% 5 155 3.96% 68 2105 1.61%
1 10 331 2.59% 8 251 2.99% 4 127 3.24% 91 2822 2.16%
2 4 127 1.00% 1 58 0.69% 2 69 1.76% 27 835 0.64%
3 4 126 0.99% 2 72 0.86% 2 73 1.86% 33 1013 0.78%
4 6 199 1.56% 4 145 1.73% 4 135 3.45% 48 1475 1.13%
5 3 107 0.84% 1 57 0.68% 1 55 1.40% 28 863 0.66%
6 3 94 0.74% 1 48 0.57% 1 52 1.33% 15 466 0.36%
7 5 171 1.34% 3 112 1.33% 1 60 1.53% 40 1238 0.95%
8 14 451 3.54% 10 321 3.83% 4 137 3.50% 141 4373 3.35%
9 23 720 5.64% 15 480 5.72% 6 213 5.44% 249 7719 5.92%
10 28 871 6.83% 19 598 7.13% 6 205 5.24% 323 10001 7.67%
11 28 868 6.80% 18 560 6.67% 5 179 4.57% 292 9041 6.93%
12 36 1120 8.78% 22 684 8.15% 9 291 7.43% 343 10638 8.16%
13 31 972 7.62% 23 730 8.70% 8 273 6.97% 342 10604 8.13%
14 29 902 7.07% 21 670 7.99% 7 242 6.18% 394 12201 9.36%
15 26 836 6.55% 14 443 5.28% 7 235 6.00% 280 8680 6.66%
16 30 944 7.40% 22 702 8.37% 8 254 6.49% 382 11850 9.09%
17 29 908 7.12% 20 630 7.51% 12 400 10.22% 279 8638 6.63%
18 23 722 5.66% 14 462 5.51% 6 211 5.39% 289 8957 6.87%
19 14 458 3.59% 10 333 3.97% 4 137 3.50% 131 4068 3.12%
20 6 215 1.69% 3 112 1.33% 2 83 2.12% 81 2510 1.93%
21 11 355 2.78% 5 185 2.21% 3 110 2.81% 94 2901 2.23%
22 12 376 2.95% 6 204 2.43% 3 108 2.76% 102 3170 2.43%
23 17 530 4.15% 10 328 3.91% 3 111 2.84% 136 4210 3.23%

Top 30 of 744 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 492 3.86% 1440 1.10% /
2 311 2.44% 2327 1.78% /blog/blog.php
3 159 1.25% 874 0.67% /blog/kommentar.php
4 105 0.82% 335 0.26% /cinema/kritik/drei.html
5 71 0.56% 104 0.08% /text1.swf
6 67 0.53% 187 0.14% /cinema/kritik/vampire.html
7 63 0.49% 76 0.06% /cinema/cinema.html
8 55 0.43% 44 0.03% /stuff/stuff.html
9 55 0.43% 376 0.29% /works/works.html
10 46 0.36% 195 0.15% /cinema/kritik/nemo.html
11 46 0.36% 121 0.09% /gallery/
12 44 0.34% 392 0.30% /cinema/kwertung.html
13 43 0.34% 13 0.01% /about/about.html
14 39 0.31% 9 0.01% /pack/datiack2.php
15 35 0.27% 543 0.42% /gallery/trassenheide05/
16 34 0.27% 38 0.03% /blog/komm_ein.php
17 33 0.26% 136 0.10% /stuff/was.html
18 31 0.24% 78 0.06% /cinema/meinung.php
19 30 0.24% 68 0.05% /cinema/kritik/rhythm.html
20 30 0.24% 13 0.01% /gallery/trassenheide05/res/js/nav-index.js
21 29 0.23% 54 0.04% /gallery/trassenheide05/res/js/common.js
22 29 0.23% 72 0.06% /gallery/trassenheide05/res/js/keyboard.js
23 29 0.23% 79 0.06% /gallery/trassenheide05/res/js/shadow.js
24 29 0.23% 133 0.10% /gallery/trassenheide05/res/styles/black.css
25 27 0.21% 180 0.14% /cinema/kritik/rosen.html
26 27 0.21% 211 0.16% /cinema/kritik/shrek2.html
27 27 0.21% 131 0.10% /cinema/kritik/sophie.html
28 27 0.21% 115 0.09% /cinema/links.html
29 26 0.20% 436 0.33% /blog/archiv01.html
30 26 0.20% 329 0.25% /blog/archiv02.html

Top 10 of 744 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 15 0.12% 6370 4.89% /pack/map.xls
2 311 2.44% 2327 1.78% /blog/blog.php
3 492 3.86% 1440 1.10% /
4 159 1.25% 874 0.67% /blog/kommentar.php
5 35 0.27% 543 0.42% /gallery/trassenheide05/
6 26 0.20% 436 0.33% /blog/archiv01.html
7 44 0.34% 392 0.30% /cinema/kwertung.html
8 55 0.43% 376 0.29% /works/works.html
9 105 0.82% 335 0.26% /cinema/kritik/drei.html
10 26 0.20% 329 0.25% /blog/archiv02.html

Top 10 of 200 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 492 3.86% 351 22.43% /
2 105 0.82% 93 5.94% /cinema/kritik/drei.html
3 67 0.53% 52 3.32% /cinema/kritik/vampire.html
4 46 0.36% 31 1.98% /cinema/kritik/nemo.html
5 30 0.24% 25 1.60% /cinema/kritik/rhythm.html
6 27 0.21% 21 1.34% /cinema/kritik/rosen.html
7 55 0.43% 21 1.34% /stuff/stuff.html
8 55 0.43% 21 1.34% /works/works.html
9 24 0.19% 20 1.28% /cinema/kritik/troja.html
10 43 0.34% 19 1.21% /about/about.html

Top 10 of 207 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 492 3.86% 303 19.37% /
2 105 0.82% 92 5.88% /cinema/kritik/drei.html
3 67 0.53% 52 3.32% /cinema/kritik/vampire.html
4 46 0.36% 30 1.92% /cinema/kritik/nemo.html
5 55 0.43% 27 1.73% /works/works.html
6 30 0.24% 25 1.60% /cinema/kritik/rhythm.html
7 43 0.34% 23 1.47% /about/about.html
8 26 0.20% 20 1.28% /blog/archiv01.html
9 27 0.21% 20 1.28% /cinema/kritik/rosen.html
10 24 0.19% 20 1.28% /cinema/kritik/troja.html

Top 30 of 956 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 925 7.25% 486 5.79% 6569 5.04% 28 1.71%
2 719 5.64% 570 6.79% 11576 8.88% 10 0.61%
3 553 4.33% 529 6.31% 9680 7.42% 16 0.98%
4 360 2.82% 317 3.78% 4853 3.72% 1 0.06%
5 293 2.30% 283 3.37% 3124 2.40% 2 0.12%
6 269 2.11% 212 2.53% 2626 2.01% 4 0.24%
7 237 1.86% 210 2.50% 2500 1.92% 1 0.06%
8 233 1.83% 80 0.95% 801 0.61% 8 0.49%
9 224 1.76% 214 2.55% 690 0.53% 2 0.12%
10 221 1.73% 213 2.54% 2552 1.96% 1 0.06%
11 206 1.61% 177 2.11% 2756 2.11% 1 0.06%
12 175 1.37% 136 1.62% 2827 2.17% 1 0.06%
13 172 1.35% 146 1.74% 1743 1.34% 82 5.01%
14 160 1.25% 69 0.82% 553 0.42% 1 0.06%
15 152 1.19% 145 1.73% 587 0.45% 2 0.12%
16 136 1.07% 129 1.54% 8 0.01% 2 0.12%
17 128 1.00% 117 1.39% 2263 1.74% 1 0.06%
18 127 1.00% 126 1.50% 2311 1.77% 1 0.06%
19 116 0.91% 64 0.76% 1582 1.21% 1 0.06%
20 114 0.89% 56 0.67% 1255 0.96% 3 0.18%
21 114 0.89% 84 1.00% 1353 1.04% 3 0.18%
22 113 0.89% 110 1.31% 2161 1.66% 1 0.06%
23 113 0.89% 113 1.35% 2239 1.72% 1 0.06%
24 109 0.85% 63 0.75% 343 0.26% 37 2.26%
25 107 0.84% 72 0.86% 336 0.26% 6 0.37%
26 96 0.75% 68 0.81% 426 0.33% 4 0.24%
27 95 0.74% 91 1.08% 1454 1.12% 1 0.06%
28 93 0.73% 22 0.26% 61 0.05% 1 0.06%
29 92 0.72% 92 1.10% 1356 1.04% 1 0.06%
30 92 0.72% 28 0.33% 321 0.25% 4 0.24%

Top 10 of 956 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 719 5.64% 570 6.79% 11576 8.88% 10 0.61%
2 553 4.33% 529 6.31% 9680 7.42% 16 0.98%
3 925 7.25% 486 5.79% 6569 5.04% 28 1.71%
4 360 2.82% 317 3.78% 4853 3.72% 1 0.06%
5 293 2.30% 283 3.37% 3124 2.40% 2 0.12%
6 175 1.37% 136 1.62% 2827 2.17% 1 0.06%
7 206 1.61% 177 2.11% 2756 2.11% 1 0.06%
8 269 2.11% 212 2.53% 2626 2.01% 4 0.24%
9 221 1.73% 213 2.54% 2552 1.96% 1 0.06%
10 237 1.86% 210 2.50% 2500 1.92% 1 0.06%

Top 30 of 349 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 338 2.65%
2 123 0.96%
3 77 0.60%
4 69 0.54%
5 61 0.48%
6 41 0.32%
7 33 0.26%
8 24 0.19%
9 20 0.16%
10 11 0.09%
11 10 0.08%
12 10 0.08%
13 9 0.07%
14 9 0.07%
15 6 0.05%
16 6 0.05%
17 5 0.04%
18 5 0.04%
19 5 0.04%
20 5 0.04%
21 5 0.04%
22 4 0.03%
23 4 0.03%
24 3 0.02%
25 3 0.02%
26 2 0.02% XXXX:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
27 2 0.02%
28 2 0.02%
29 2 0.02%
30 2 0.02%

Top 20 of 39 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 17 22.97% vampire hunter d
2 8 10.81% versaut
3 4 5.41% vampire anime
4 4 5.41% vampire d
5 3 4.05% troja
6 2 2.70% film rythm is it
7 2 2.70% netlogo
8 2 2.70% swimming pool
9 2 2.70% zahnspangen
10 1 1.35% animationsfilm skg
11 1 1.35% anime vampire
12 1 1.35% anime vampire pictures
13 1 1.35% anime vampirs images
14 1 1.35% bai ling berlin
15 1 1.35% bilder findet nemo
16 1 1.35% black man kings
17 1 1.35% constantine geschichte
18 1 1.35% daf gallery
19 1 1.35% dafffy's
20 1 1.35% die rosenstrasse

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 390 3.06% 256 3.05% 7832 6.01% 39 2.38% freibier
2 13 0.10% 13 0.15% 24 0.02% 1 0.06% ahofer

Top 15 of 48 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 7590 59.49% Mozilla/5.0
2 2131 16.70% MSIE 6.0
3 906 7.10% Yahoo! Slurp
4 279 2.19% Ask Jeeves/Teoma
5 268 2.10% Googlebot/2.1 (+
6 253 1.98% MSIE 5.5
7 224 1.76% ConveraCrawler/0.8 (+
8 208 1.63% msnbot/1.0 (+
9 152 1.19% Java/1.4.1_04
10 131 1.03% Googlebot-Image/1.0
11 119 0.93% MSIE 5.0
12 60 0.47% Seekbot/1.0 ( HTTPFetcher/0.3
13 58 0.45% http://www.W
14 40 0.31% ia_archiver
15 37 0.29% Googlebot/2.1

Usage by Country for May 2005

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 12758 100.00% 8448 100.69% 130381 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01